

i have not posted here in several months, but nowit is time to once again rant about things going on in this world. today i am writing about the hypocrisy of marriage as it pertains to the seperation of church and state. our country was founded on many principles that were ahead of the way of thinking at that time. one of those beliefs was the seperation of church and state. now our children cannot say the pledge of allegiance in school and they cannot pray before a football game. but we can get married in a church and it has political ramifications. by uniting in marriage in a church, people also are now bound in legal ways that were never part of what the institution of marriage is all about. marriage, as a commitment between two people should have no legal ramifications, yet long after a divorce is granted, it still does. now the government, which should have no presence in a religious event, says that if two people that love each other but just happen to be of the same sex cannot have all the rights and legal privelages that two people of opposite sex can have. it is inhuman to treat these people as less than what others are just because they are of the same sex. a life long partner is just that, a life long partner. the only union that we should call a marriage, is one performed in a church by a religious leader. all others, whether between heterosexual or homosexual partners should be called "civil unions". how can we consider a homosexual person that wants the same rights and privelages of a heterosexual an less of a human? i am a heterosexual male, but i am also a human being and all humans must be treated the same. long before there were black slaves there were slaves of all skin colors and to this day slavery persists in this world in many forms. it is unforgiveable that we are squabbling over marriages between people and what defines marriage and yet we have children in slavery, in prostitution rings and being used as soldiers in petty warlords battles. if we are to support the idea of seperation of church and state, we must take the state out of marriages and leave it to the churchs to decide. as a person that has been married three times and has learned that speaking those words before God did not mean anything to the ones that i spoke them with, i surely will not say them again. for me, those words carried great meaning, but for many they are just words, not to be taken seriously. i can have all the legal benefits of marriage without "getting married".

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