

Drive thru windows 

My step-daughter said something to me today that I felt deserved some attention. She recently got a job working at an Arby's as a cashier. Yesterday she had a quite a day with many irritable customers. You know how when you go through the drive-thru and the cashier asks you to pull forward after you have paid and are waiting for your order? Well, I personally am offended by this action that so many fast food restrauants have undertaken. It is my understanding that they do this because the corporate bosses have put them on a clock to try to improve the time it takes to process each customer. Whatever happened to a little undivided attention? It has become assembly line production. Run 'em in and run 'em out. I feel I have patiently waited my turn and I deserve my few minutes of undivided attention from the attendant and the store I am doing business with. To just shuffle me along so that they can keep the assembly line going is to take that moment of personalized attention away from me. But in my step-daughters defense, she did not make the rules, nor did her managers make up these rules. The corporate big wigs made these rules, and since they sit in an ivory tower espousing their "knowledge" about what is the best way to serve my needs, who is to question them. Well, I question them. Sometimes, even when going to a fast food diner, which by the very definition of the words means speed is what it is all about, a little personal attention is still required and expected. But the local team member or even the manager is not who the anger should be directed at. In a world where everyone can easily voice their opinion (I am talking about the internet, and such tools as this very blogger forum), we should be directing our attention at the corporate home office. All companies have websites nowadays, so we need to use them and let these companies know how we feel. They will get alot more feedback from individual e-mails from each and everyone of us, than they will in their "sample polls". Anyone that cannot grasp that is just a "bubba" that needs to move into the real world.
This is the first entry to my newest blog. This one is devoted entirely to the sharing of my wisdom and opinions, along with references to whatever issues that may be going on in the world at any given moment. Feel free to respond to anything you feel you have an opinion on.

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